发布时间: 2020-2-23 文章作者: myluzh 分类名称: Python 朗读文章
# coding:utf-8 s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" #s = "vwxrstuopq34567ABCDEFGHIJyz012PQRSTKLMNOZabcdUVWXYefghijklmn89+/" def My_base64_encode(inputs): # 将字符串转化为2进制 bin_str = [] for i in inputs: x = str(bin(ord(i))).replace('0b', '') bin_str.append('{:0>8}'.format(x)) #print(bin_str) # 输出的字符串 outputs = "" # 不够三倍数,需补齐的次数 nums = 0 while bin_str: #每次取三个字符的二进制 temp_list = bin_str[:3] if(len(temp_list) != 3): nums = 3 - len(temp_list) while len(temp_list) < 3: temp_list += ['0' * 8] temp_str = "".join(temp_list) #print(temp_str) # 将三个8字节的二进制转换为4个十进制 temp_str_list = [] for i in range(0,4): temp_str_list.append(int(temp_str[i*6:(i+1)*6],2)) #print(temp_str_list) if nums: temp_str_list = temp_str_list[0:4 - nums] for i in temp_str_list: outputs += s[i] bin_str = bin_str[3:] outputs += nums * '=' print("Encrypted String:\n%s "%outputs) def My_base64_decode(inputs): # 将字符串转化为2进制 bin_str = [] for i in inputs: if i != '=': x = str(bin(s.index(i))).replace('0b', '') bin_str.append('{:0>6}'.format(x)) #print(bin_str) # 输出的字符串 outputs = "" nums = inputs.count('=') while bin_str: temp_list = bin_str[:4] temp_str = "".join(temp_list) #print(temp_str) # 补足8位字节 if(len(temp_str) % 8 != 0): temp_str = temp_str[0:-1 * nums * 2] # 将四个6字节的二进制转换为三个字符 for i in range(0,int(len(temp_str) / 8)): outputs += chr(int(temp_str[i*8:(i+1)*8],2)) bin_str = bin_str[4:] print("Decrypted String:\n%s "%outputs) print() print(" *************************************") print(" * (1)encode (2)decode *") print(" *************************************") print() num = input("Please select the operation you want to perform:\n") if(num == "1"): input_str = input("Please enter a string that needs to be encrypted: \n") My_base64_encode(input_str) else: input_str = input("Please enter a string that needs to be decrypted: \n") My_base64_decode(input_str)